Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Muslim unity plan

From: Pierre Williams Subject: unity plan To:
In the name of ALLAH. Peace be with you.

I have written yous before about all Islamic country's uniting. A Revelation came to me as for a plan. This plan is based on trust. The first step is to unite all of the collages and university's and research projects via the Internet. I know you have heard of stem cell research. This is a smoke screen. There is a technology out called Nano- technology. In 25 years the nanobots will have the capacity when injected into the blood stream of say a person with cancer. The nanobots will cure the cancer. Thereafter the nans will cure any and all disease the person might get. People Will live forever! All truth and technology belongs to Muslims. Already type 2 diabetes has been cured in dogs.
2. I need each country's religious counsel's to put out Media ads expressing the love Muslim's have for one another. For example. "Smile. This is an act of charity every one can afford." Show people smiling. This ad brought to you by the Islamic religious counsel of etc... or " A human being need 11 hugs a day. How many hugs have you had?".Show people hugging. I need you to get some advertising people working on this. I will contact you soon. Your trusted servant of ALLAH, Pierre. I am becoming a member of masjid as- sabur. Located at 711 Morgan Street Las Vegas, NV 702-647-2500. We Muslim's are not an army of hard hearted robots all looking to make war. The Prophet [Peace and blessing of ALLAH be upon him] said for us to love one another.all ALLAH ask of us is that we give each other love.
3. I need to move the heroin trade in Afghanistan from illegal to legal by having a drug company come in to make morphine to sell on the world market. Also to do research on the poppy. Let's face it the poppy is part of our history. So let's have our people make a decent wage for it. The black market is keeping our people in poverty. Buying low and selling high. I hear on the news about the production in Afghanistan is high. Mexico has black tar and China has china white but I don't hear about there production but I see the results of it on the streets of America.
4. I will now return Islam to its pure form. All sects will now be called Muslim and Muslim only. Since you all can't get alone I have to make peace . Go to your leaders and tell them what I have said. All sects will change their name to Muslim. Our leader is ALLAH and the prophet. The Qu'ran is alive and not just a book.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

someone has to start talking about the wealth of iraq belongs to all the iraqi people. read the chapter in the qu'ran entitled those that run. ALLAH says man is violent in his pursue of wealth. all non-iraqis must leave. baghdad is mine!! says the imam. iraqi peoples solar power and water co..

8 points from baghdad, we must build power and water co. only iraqi men and woman will build it. i need to know how much it will cost to build.

" economic assistance...must subvert... the tribal and feudal order." tell me who said these words and we will be free!

foreigners got to leave iraq.

the iraqi people are one people. the wealth of iraqi belongs to all the iraqi people.

foreigners are stealing the wealth of iraq though a program of subversion. our people are living in abject poverty. something is worng with that picture.

your religion is your personal business. your political phliosophy should be iraqi nationalism.

microorganisms that cause disease in humans are know as pathogens. the transmission of pathogens to humans can occur in a number of ways. a common route is via water. the ingestion of contaminated water introduces the microbes into the digestive system. intestinal upset can result. an organism may enter the cells that line the digestive tract gaining entry to the bloodstream. from there an infection can become widely dispersed.a prominet example of a water borne pathogen is Vibrio Cholerae, the bacterium that causes Cholera. the contamination of drinking water by this bacterium is still at epidemic proportions in some areas of the world. this enemy must be wiped out of iraq.

the imam orders all iraqis to "kill yourselves". than love ALLAH. than love one another.

ALLAH sent us iron to test us and to see which among us will help ALLAH and our messinger. who will be the helpers of ALLAH?

the imam wants iraq to be rebuilt into a modern country and baghdad to become a modern megalopolis. imam says "under the rubble there is treasure".